
0 rows


To store the backup_controllers as they are used


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id BIGINT 19 null
backupid VARCHAR 32
backup_logs.backupid backlogs_bac2_fkR

unique id of the backup

operation VARCHAR 20 backup

Type of operation (backup/restore)

type VARCHAR 10

Type of the backup (activity/section/course)

itemid BIGINT 19 null

id of the module/section/activity being backup

format VARCHAR 20

format of the backup (moodle/imscc…)

interactive SMALLINT 5 null

is the backup interactive (1-yes/0-no)

purpose SMALLINT 5 null

purpose (target) of the backup (general, import, hub…)

userid BIGINT 19 null backcont_use2_fkR

user that owns/performs the backup

status SMALLINT 5 null

current status of the backup (configured, ui, running…)

execution SMALLINT 5 null

type of execution (immediate/delayed)

executiontime BIGINT 19 null

epoch secs when the backup should be executed (for delayed backups only)

checksum VARCHAR 32

checksum of the backup_controller object

timecreated BIGINT 19 null

time the controller was created

timemodified BIGINT 19 null

last time the controller was modified

controller LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

serialised backup_controller object


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
backcont_bac2_uix Must be unique Asc backupid
backcont_typite2_ix Performance Asc/Asc type + itemid
backcont_use4_ix Performance Asc userid
