
0 rows


grade_grades This table keeps individual grades for each us


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id BIGINT 19 null
grade_grades_history.oldid gradgradhist_old2_fkR
itemid BIGINT 19 null gradgrad_ite2_fkR

The item this grade belongs to

userid BIGINT 19 null gradgrad_use3_fkR

The user who this grade is for

rawgrade DECIMAL 10,5 null

If the grade is a float value (or has been converted to one)

rawgrademax DECIMAL 10,5 100.00000

The maximum allowable grade when this was created

rawgrademin DECIMAL 10,5 0.00000

The minimum allowable grade when this was created

rawscaleid BIGINT 19 null gradgrad_raw2_fkR

If this grade is based on a scale, which one was it?

usermodified BIGINT 19 null gradgrad_use4_fkR

the userid of the person who last modified this grade

finalgrade DECIMAL 10,5 null

The final grade (cached) after all calculations are made

hidden BIGINT 19 0

show 0, hide 1 or hide until date

locked BIGINT 19 0

not locked 0, locked from date

locktime BIGINT 19 0

automatic locking of final grade, 0 means none, date otherwise

exported BIGINT 19 0

date of last grade export, 0 if none

overridden BIGINT 19 0

indicates grade overridden from gradebook, 0 means none, date means overridden

excluded BIGINT 19 0

grade excluded from aggregation functions, date means when excluded

feedback LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

grading feedback

feedbackformat BIGINT 19 0

format of feedback text

information LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

optiona information

informationformat BIGINT 19 0

format of information text

timecreated BIGINT 19 null

the time this grade was first created

timemodified BIGINT 19 null

the time this grade was last modified

aggregationstatus VARCHAR 10 unknown

One of several values describing how this grade_grade was used when calculating the aggregation. Possible values are unknown, dropped, novalue, used

aggregationweight DECIMAL 10,5 null

If the aggregationstatus == ‘included’, then this is the percent this item contributed to the aggregation.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
gradgrad_ite4_ix Performance Asc itemid
gradgrad_locloc2_ix Performance Asc/Asc locked + locktime
gradgrad_raw4_ix Performance Asc rawscaleid
gradgrad_use6_ix Performance Asc userid
gradgrad_use8_ix Performance Asc usermodified
gradgrad_useite2_uix Must be unique Asc/Asc userid + itemid
